Category Archives: baking

Christmas Cookies

It seems to have become a Christmas tradition that the children take decorated sugar cookies into school for their classmates and friends on the last day of school before winter break.  Today was Cecily’s Christmas party at preschool so we made decorated trees for her to take in. I baked the cookies a couple days ago and yesterday I iced them and she added the little candy balls.  No pictures of the actual creation – two little girls, cookies and tons of icing isn’t really condusive to snapping pictures.

I ran into a problem when I realized one of the boys in Cecily’sPreschool is allergic to peanuts and eggs.  There’s eggs in the cookies and we can’t guarantee no peanuts so I needed to come up with something to give to him.  That’s when I came up with a cute solution.

A felt cookie that looks pretty close to it’s edible counterparts. I added a hanger just in case he wanted to use it as an ornament.

And here are the two together all packaged up.  I hope all the kids liked them.  They’re super duper yummy!